
美国运动科学院(National Academy of Kinesiology)院士,美国伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)终身教授,博士生导师。朱教授是运动与健康在测量与评价方面的国际知名学者,在SCI和SSCI杂志上发表科研论文100多篇并曾担任美国体育测量与评价协会主席(1997-1999年),美国总统体质与竞技体育委员会(Scientific Board of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports)科学顾问(2003—2006年),美国著名《锻炼与运动研究季刊》(Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports)主编 (2012-2018年)。朱教授还担任过美国《体力活动与健康期刊》(Journal of Physical Activity and Health)《生理前沿》(Frontiers in Physiology)副主编,并现任10多本英文体育杂志的编委。朱教授的研究得到许多基金的资助,包括美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)和约翰逊基金会(RWJF)。多年来朱教授还通过自身的教学和与国内同行的合作对太极拳和中国传统功法的作用(包括对癌症患者的干预)进行研究,并与上海体育学院邱丕相教授合著英文“Tai Chi illustrated: For greater balance, relaxation, and health《太极图解:改善平衡,放松与健康》一书,由国际著名体育出版社美国人体运动出版社(Human Kinetics)出版并已全球发行。朱教授目前科研的重点为体育锻炼,尤其是东西方运动,对健康促进和慢性疾病的防治的作用。他和澳大利亚著名学者Neville Owen主编的“Sedentary Behavior and Health”《久坐与健康》一书最近也由美国人体运动出版社出版并已全球发行。他的“运动抗癌的过去、现在与未来”一文近期在《成都体育学院学报》发表。面对新型冠状病毒肺炎的疫情,朱教授团队急疫情所急,在很短的时间里就编创了《抗疫健身操》一书和视频。在人民体育出版社和新华社的全力支持下,《抗疫健身操》一书和视频于2020年2月17日推出,不到24小时就被浏览超过百万次。过去一年间,朱教授在国内新媒体上发表近150篇科学运动和健康的有关文章,被人民网新媒体,人民号、今日头条、网易新闻、一点了资讯、搜狐新闻、凤凰网等众多平台转发,获得了160余万的阅读与转发量。朱教授在2020年获得美国体育测量界的最高荣誉奖《体育测量与评价终身奖》。最近斯坦福大学John P. A. Ioannidis教授团队发布了前全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单第四版(World's Top 2% Scientists 2022),朱教授同时进入“终身科学影响力排行榜(1960-2022)”和“2022年度科学影响力排行榜”两个榜单!
ZHU Weimo’s Bio
Dr. ZHU Weimo is a member of the US National Academy of Kinesiology, professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As an internationally known scholar in Kinesmetrics (Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology), he has published more than 100 SCI/SSCI journal articles. He was the chair of US Committee of Measurement and Evaluation in Sports in 1997-1999, the member of Scientific Board of the US President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in 2003-2006, the editor-in-chief of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport in 2012-2018, the associate editors of Journal of Physical Activity and Health and Frontiers in Physiology and is currently the editor of more than 10 English sports magazines. His research is supported by many grants including NIH (US National Institutes of Health) and RWJF (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Dr. ZHU has been active to study the effects of Tai Chi and Chinese traditional exercises (including the intervention on cancer patients) and has published his English book, Tai Chi illustrated: For greater balance, relaxation, and health co-authored with Prof. Qiu Pixiang at Shanghai University of Sport. The book has been issued worldwide by the famous international publisher, Human Kinetics. Dr. ZHU’s current research has primarily focus on the impact of physical exercise (especially western and eastern sports) on health promotion and prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. His book Sedentary Behavior and Health co-authored with renowned Australian scholar Neville Owen has recently published globally by Human Kinetics and his recent article, Exercise as Therapy in Cancer: Past,Present and Future in Journal of Chengdu Sport University. In the face of COVID-19 pandemic, Dr.ZHU and his team effectively created a video of anti-COVID aerobic workout and a homonymous book at the critical time, which, fully supported by People’s Sports Publishing House of China and Xinhua News Agency, were launched on February 17th, 2020, with more than one million views within 24 hours. Over the past year, he has more than 150 publications related to scientific exercise and health in China’s new media, including People’s Daily Online, Toutiao, Netease News, ParticleNews, Sohu News, Ifeng.com, with over 1.6 million views and reposts. In 2020, Dr. ZHU received the “Measurement and Evaluation Lifetime Achievement Award”, the highest award in Kinesmetrics. In the recent World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022 (4th edition) by Prof. John P. A. Ioannidis and his team, Dr. ZHU is selected into both the “Lifetime Scientific Influence Ranking” and “Scientific Influence Ranking 2022”!
Daniel McDonough

博士,美国明尼苏达大学公共卫生学院流行病学与社区卫生系博士后研究员,获得美国国立卫生研究院和国家心肺血液研究所T32奖学金资助。DJ McDonough博士目前的研究结合了他过去在运动生理学、体育运动活动和健康等方面的经验,主要致力于研究体育运动与饮食对心血管及心血管代谢疾病的影响,并从该角度研究心血管疾病的病原学及流行病学。在此之前,DJ McDonough博士的主要研究方向是利用新兴技术如体感游戏、虚拟现实技术、健康可穿戴设备以及基于视频的社交媒体来倡导体育运动,并通过体育活动的干预促进人体健康。DJ McDonough博士正在进行其第二年博士后研究工作,已在高影响力期刊上发表刊物30篇,包括《英国运动医学杂志》《运动与健康科学》。此外,DJ McDonough博士荣获两项研修奖学金和美国健康和体育教育协会研究生研究奖。凭借其在体育运动领域优秀的研究成果,他还荣获了美国心脏协会的Steven N. Blair奖。同时,DJ McDonough博士为20余份期刊进行同行评审,为国内外学术会议比如美国运动医学学院定期举办的国际会议进行摘要审阅,并担任《国际环境研究与公共健康期刊》特约编辑。
DJ McDonough’s Bio
Dr. DJ McDonough is a National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) T32 postdoctoral research fellow within the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health. Dr. McDonough’s current research line merges his past training in exercise physiology and physical activity and health and current training in cardiovascular disease epidemiology and prevention to examine the impact of physical activity and diet in the etiology and epidemiology of cardiovascular and cardiometabolic diseases. Prior to this, Dr. McDonough’s research focused on health promotion through novel physical activity interventions with emerging technologies, such as active video games, virtual reality, health wearables, and video-based social media dissemination. Currently entering the second year of his postdoctoral fellowship, Dr. McDonough has 30 publications in highimpact journals, including the British Journal of Sports Medicine and the Journal of Sport and health Science, earned two prestigious research fellowships, and was awarded SHAPE America’s Graduate Student Research Award and the American Heart Association’s Steven N. Blair Award for Excellence in Physical Activity Research. He has peer-reviewed for over 20 journals, reviewed abstracts for national and international scientific conferences, including the American College of Sports Medicine, and is currently serving as Guest Editor for the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Thomas A. Stoffregen’s Bio

Thomas A. Stoffregen’s Bio
Dr. Thomas A. Stoffregen is a professor at the School of Kinesiology in University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, specializing in perceptual control of movement. Dr. Stoffregen examines both basic and applied issues, including general theories of perception and action, and the role of movement kinematics in motion sickness in virtual environments. He has published 179 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Psychological Review, Psychological Science, and Behavioral and Brain Sciences. His h-index is 39. Dr. Stoffregen is a Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology, and has served on the Editorial Board of numerous journals, including the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, and is an Academic Editor for PLOS ONE. Dr. Stoffregen has been the principal investigator of National Institute of Health and National Science Foundation research grants, and has received research funding from the European Commission, and Medtronic Corporation. He serves as an ad hoc reviewer for research funding agencies in numerous countries, and for approximately 100 journals. His research has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Science News, and on numerous general interest and specialty websites. He has been interviewed by radio and television stations, including the Fox Business Network. He is Director of the Affordance Perception-Action Laboratory (APAL) at the University of Minnesota, where he is on the graduate faculty in the School of Kinesiology, Human Factors, Neuroscience, the Department of Psychology, and Mechanical Engineering.
高 赞

Dr. Zan Gao’s Bio
Dr. Zan Gao is a professor at the School of Kinesiology in University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, specializing in physical activity and health. Dr. Gao’s research has primarily focused on promoting health among underserved populations through novel physical activity interventions with emerging technologies, such as active video games, virtual reality, exercise app, and health wearables. In the past decade, Dr. Gao has given 239 presentations at various international and national conferences. He has also published 3 books, 28 book chapters and 156 research articles in peer-reviewed journals such as British Journal of Sports Medicine and Obesity Review. Dr. Gao has been the recipient of several international and national awards, including the 2009 American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Mabel Lee Award, 2013 National Association for Sport and Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction Heitmann Young Scholar Award, and 2015 SHAPE America Leroy T. Walker Young Professional Award. Dr. Gao has been the principal investigator of National Institute of Health research grants, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant and AAHPERD Seed Grant. He also serves as a reviewer for numerous journals, and is currently the Editorial Board Member of Contemporary Clinical Trials, Games for Health, BioMed Research International, and Journal of Clinical Medicine, and Associate Editor for Journal of Health and Sports Science, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports. Dr. Gao’s google h-index is 47. He is the Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine, and the Fellow of SHAPE America! Research Council.

WANG Xiaozan’s Bio
Prof. WANG Xiaozan is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at College of Physical Education & Health, East China Normal University. She is the distinguished professor for Yangtze River Scholar Program of the Ministry of Education (MOE), member of the 8th P.E. Discipline Appraisal Group, Office of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and Drafting & Revision Group of Basic Education Course Standard of Physical Education and Health, MOE. She also served as the chair of the 7th International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health, member and/or secretary of Physical Education Advisory Committee of Higher Education, Health Education Advisory Committee of Higher Education, Physical Education Advisory Committee of Primary and Secondary Education, vice chair of Early Childhood Physical Education Branch of China Sport School Federation and over 40 academic posts. She has presided over more than 60 national, provincial and ministerial projects and has received over 40 national, provincial and ministerial awards for educational and scientific research, including the 4th, 5th, and 6th “Outstanding Achievement Award” of National Educational and Scientific Research. Prof. WANG also developed the Action Plan for Physical Education and Health Promotion for Children and Adolescents in China (2020-2030) and KDL Curriculum of Physical Education and Health. In 2022, she was approved by MOE to be the investigator of “Research and Practice Community of Intelligent Physical Education Teaching Mode” and “Virtual Department of Teaching and Research in Physical Education and Health”.

SHEN Yanfei’s Bio
Dr. SHEN Yanei is a professor and deputy director at the Beijing Sport University School of Sports Science and Engineering (Sports Big Data Center). He served in the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiaomi Corporation, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
Dr. SHEN has presided over three programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, such as " Research on Team Sports Performance Analysis and Evaluation Technology Driven by Spatiotemporal Data (72071018, 2021-2024)", "Research on Video Coding Technology Based on Compressive Sensing Theory" and "Research on Limit Energy Wireless Video Coding Technique", Key Technologies R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, National Key Research and Development Program, Nation Program, “Program 863”, National Science and Technology Support Program, etc.
He has published nearly 30 papers and applied for 7 technical invention patents, which have been adopted by AVS.
As the head of the School of Sports Engineering, he applied for "Intelligent Sports Engineering", "Data Science and Big Data Technology" and "Biomedical Engineering" undergraduate majors and was approved in 2019. He formulated the training programs for "Intelligent Sports Engineering" and "Data Science and Big Data Technology", and devoted himself to the recruitment and training of undergraduate students. In addition, the majors of "Data Science and Big Data Technology" and "Intelligent Sports Engineering" were also successfully selected as the "Double First-class" construction majors in Beijing.
As a teacher, he participated in the recording of the "Introduction to Smart Sports" MOOC course, and he was teaching the basic course of "The C Programming Language" for undergraduate majors.
As a graduate supervisor, his students have published many high-level academic papers in international journals and actively participated in relevant academic conferences at home and abroad.
As a leading researcher, he participated in the 2008 Olympic Science and Technology Research Project "3D Human Motion Simulation and a Video Analysis System for Sports Training" and awarded the first prize of the Beijing Science and Technology Award, The paper "Image Reconstruction Algorithm of Compressed Sensing Based on Nonlocal Similarity Model" awarded the prize of 3rd (2018) Excellent Scientific Paper Award of China Association for Science and Technology, and awarded the third prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of GNSS and LBS Association of China.

HAO Zhonghui’s Bio
HAO Zhonghui, female, Manchu ethnicity, is the Ph.D. in Physical Education Training, born in July 1974. She is a professor at Department of Teaching and Research of Physical Education in Peking University, director of Physical Education and Health Research Center, master supervisor, visiting scholar at the University of Michigan and Lund University in Sweden. Dr. HAO is the “Excellent Talents in the New Century” and “Beijing Famous Teacher in Higher Education”.
She is also the only expert from Asia to set standards for the “Healthy Campus Program” of International University Sports Federation, advisory expert for “the 14th Five-Year Plan” of General Administration of Sport of China, deputy director of Training Center for Chronic Disease Management of China Medicine Education Association, member of School Sport Committee of China Sport Science Society, vice president and secretary general of Beijing Physical Fitness Association, vice chair of Student Physical Fitness Research Institute and Sport and Health Committee of Beijing Sports Association of University and Beijing Female Sports Research Institute of University, executive vice chair and secretary general of Beijing Capital Higher Education Physical Training Research Institute and member of Scientific Fitness Committee of Beijing Health Education Association.
She is the chief investigator of National Social Science projects in 2019 and has presided over more than 30 projects from the National Social Science Fund, Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of the Ministry of Education, General Administration of Sport of China, Beijing Municipal Education Science Plan and other projects entrusted by enterprises and institutions. Among all the projects, there are 5 major achievements of the National Social Science Fund of China. she has engaged in about 100 publications and academic exchanges, including over 10 influential journals, 2 national invention patents and 1 national software copyright. Dr. HAO is also the head of “Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Project”, Excellent Teaching Team and Demonstration Course of Ideology and Politics of Peking University.

LI Caifeng’s Bio
LI Caifeng, Ph.D. candidate of the Chengdu Sport University, is a professor and graduate student supervisor at the Chongqing University of Education. As an international athletics referee, he also serves as the legal person and secretary of the Chongqing Athletics Association. Prof. LI is an expert in education evaluation of Chongqing, a member of the Educational Steering Committee of Chongqing and the host of the National Social Science Fund of China Program.

GOU Shuiping’s Bio
GOU Shuiping, a professor and Ph.D. supervisor of computer science and technology, is the dean of the faculty of intelligence science and technology at the Xidian University. From 2013 to 2015, she engaged in postdoctoral research at the University of California, and now is a member of the China Artificial Intelligence Education Committee and the Laboratory for Returnees established by the Ministry of Education. Prof. GOU is also a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Chinese Institute of Electronics, the China Computer Federation, and the innovative team organized by the Ministry of Education. Her research focuses on analysis and mining of big data, remote sensing image analysis, medical image interpretation, and artificial intelligence algorithms.
李 静

女, bevictor伟德官网教授,博导,通信工程学院“智慧城市关键技术”团队负责人,bevictor伟德官网华山学者特聘教授,长期从事空间视频自由视角生成、相机阵列光场计算成像等领域研究,曾赴美国特拉华大学、香港理工大学、中科院自动化所从事访问研究,在IEEE重要国际刊物发表学术论文50余篇,获国家发明专利30余项,主持国家自然科学基金、华为系列重点技术攻关项目等多项课题,联合研发的“空间视频自由视角”核心算法与系统在2021年中央电视台牛年春晚武术表演、2021年第十四届全运会、2020年湖南卫视舞蹈风暴、2019年成都世乒赛等成功落地应用。
LI Jing’s Bio
Dr. LI Jing is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Xidian University, a team leader of "Key Technologies for Smart City" in the School of Telecommunication Engineering, and a Distinguished Professor of Huashan Scholar, Xidian University. She has visited and researched at the University of Delaware, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
She has presided over many projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Projects and Key technical projects of Huawei, etc.
Dr. LI’s research focused on Free Viewpoint Video, Multi-View Light Filed Imaging Based on Array Cameras, etc. Among them, the Core Algorithm and System of "Free Viewpoint Video" that she participated in were successfully applied in the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala martial arts performance, the 14th National Games of the People’s Republic of China, the 2020 Dance Smash of Hunan Satellite TV, and the 2019 World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals Chengdu.

YANG Shaoyi’s Bio
YANG Shaoyi, 33 years old, is a graduate student of the Xidian University majoring in Circuits and Systems, EMBA of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, the member of the 12th Shaanxi Committee of The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and the founder and CEO of Visbody Co. LTD.
He mainly studies technology innovation and product implementation in the field of Digital Human. As The first inventor, he issued more than 120 patents in the field and draft the national standard of “General Requirements for 3-D Scanning Anthropometric Methodologies”.
He won many honorary titles, such as representative at the 10th National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, The fourth "Non-Public Economic Personnel and Outstanding Builders of Socialist Cause with Chinese Characteristics in Shaanxi", and the Venture Star of Shaanxi Youth.
He is the deputy director of the Sports and Medical Integration Professional Committee of Shaanxi Province Sports Science Society, the vice president of the Xi’an Youth Entrepreneurs Association, and the vice president of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance.

LU Xiaolin’s Bio
LU Xiaolin, Ph.D. in sociology at Xi’an Jiaotong University, is a lecturer in the physical education department at Xidian University, specializing in sport and social capital and sports big data. Dr. LU’s research has primarily focused on theory-oriented empirical research on sports sociology and big data, such as mobile application data, social media data, search engines and corpus of books, aimed at exploring interactions and health effects between social capital and physical exercise. She specializes in cyber investigation, collection and analysis of online big data on multi-platforms.
Her research has been featured in the Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, the Journal of Xi’an Physical Education University, The Journal of Humanities, the Jiangsu Social Sciences, the Chinese Journal of Gerontology, and reprinted by China Social Science Excellence. At the same time, she serves as a reviewer for authoritative journals on sports in China. Dr. LU is also a Guest Lecturer of xueshuzhi, an education platform, setting an MOOC named Advanced Empirical Research Methods: the Organic Combination of Traditional Data and Big Data.